15 The Devil

– Capricorn –
December 22-January 19

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The Devil

The Devil is depicted by the chained figures whose bondage is imaginary and self-imposed. The chain loops are large enough to be lifted off.  His message is that we are not bound by material conditions.

He teaches us to see through outer appearances, to laugh at our pretensions and to take responsibility for our behavior.

Ruled by Saturn, the sign of Capricorn and The Devil card tell us to live with our feet on Earth and our heads in Heaven.

Confer with The Devil when you want to overcome physical habits, obsessions or addictions.

Bring the consciousness of The Devil into your daily life:
The Devil image on journals, T-shirts, and mugs.

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Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands folded on top of navel, feet flat on the floor, breathe…

Breathe in Light
Breathe out Love
Breathe in Laughter
Breathe out Boundaries
Breathe in Freedom
Breathe out Wholeness
Breathe in Renewal
Breathe out Mastery

(Repeat 8 times)

Affirm: I Am the Master of my Life.
